July 29th Lorain Ladies Republican Club Meeting

Legislative Briefing on the Issues Protecting Women, Children, and Families

Lorain County’s Federated Women’s Republican Club


Doors open at 2 PM for social hour and meetings begin promptly at 3PM. Most of our meetings last 1-1/2 to 2 hours. We do have the room until closing so if we have great discussions going on we won’t be rushed. The address is:

37485 Harvest Drive, Avon, OH 44011



The Lorain County Ladies Republican Club is a Countywide Republican club serving all of Lorain County, OH. Meetings tend to be the last Saturday of the Month at the brand new Avon Public Library - a Republican friendly venue.

It is simple to RSVP for our meetings. It really helps us to plan for the event better when we know approximately who is attending. What is great about using our RSVP feature is that you have the option to send yourself and email reminder about the meeting the day before or the day of the meeting. Try it out! Just click on the event and then click on the RSVP button in the upper right corner and follow the instructions.

The newly constructed State of the art Avon Public Library

Notes from our Jun 24th Meeting

Issue 1

Political Activist and Organizer

Carolee Upshur from Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life (formerly an organizer for the Republican National Committee) was on hand to discuss the importance of passing Issue 1 and getting out the vote. Carolee discussed why voting yes on August 8th is one half of the equation in stopping the blatant attack on parental rights and on the attacks of the pre-born. The other half of the equation is ensuring that Republicans show up in force on November 7th to shoot down the Ohio Reproductive Rights Amendment.

Remember, we have until July 10th to get people registered to vote for the special August 8th election and get them prepared to return on November 7. Early voting is just weeks away - July 11th. We encourage Republicans to vote early and in-person at the Lorain County Board of Election. That address is: 1985 N Ridge Rd East, Lorain, OH 44055

Susan B. Anthony is actively hiring door to door canvassers to assist with their support their efforts.

Call Carolee Upshur if interested in canvassing at (216) 650-3758

Voting early and in-person helps reduce the cost of the Get-Out-The-Vote marketing. Once you vote you are taken off the list for the August 8th effort and you will see fewer flyers mailed to you. We are looking for Republicans and Pro-Life supporters of Issue 1 to stand in the parking lot of the Lorain County Board of Election and talk about Issue 1, Parental Right, the rights of the pre-born, and hand out literature to voters.

Call Carolee Upshur if interested in canvassing at (216) 650-3758

We are going to help try to facilitate selling these Car Door Magnets


These BIG car door magnets is a great way to help the effort and are only $20 when purchased in person and are $22 when purchased online and cost $8 in shipping and handling if we mail them to you. Local Avon political activist Linda Kelly is selling these magnets. Her information is: mailto:[email protected] and her cell phone (330) 607-4165 (please text first)


State Senator Jerry Cirino


Senate Bill 83 Introduced by Ohio State Senator Jerry Cirino is the strongest anti-woke and anti-indoctrination legislation in the Country for institutions of higher learning. This historic legislation, that if passed by the House and signed into law by the Governor would forever change Ohio. Experts believe that if passed that over the next decade it would resoundingly serve a deathblow to liberal academia and the Ohio Democrat Party. If passed we would see dramatic changes in our larger cities that have Ohio’s most popular universities. Political experts believe that if SB83 passes that Ohio’s Grade Schools, Middle Schools, and High Schools will be next.

SB83 passed the Ohio Senate - but it seems to be gaining great controversy in the Ohio House Committee on Higher Education and insiders close to the Governor has stated he intends to repeal this absolutely fantastic conservative legislation. Lorain House Representatives Gayle Manning and Joe Miller are in leadership positions on the Ohio House Committee on Higher Education.

State Representative Pastor Gary Click


House Bill 68 (The Saving Adolescents From Experimentation ACT - SAFE ACT) has went through a number of changes. While not as powerful in some respects as it once was as far as the requirement for reporting goes - it is still a historic piece of legislation. HB68 protects Ohio’s families and children from the profit driven doctors and health centers that want to encourage, push, and groom children for an alternative lifestyle. It is reprehensible that doctors and/or woefully misguided woke parents would push any confused adolescent into taking pharmaceuticals and/or surgeries that would forever change who they are.

UPDATE - The protect women’s sports act has been rolled into HB68 protecting biological women from those males pretending to be biological women.

HB68 has passed through the Ohio House and has moved into the Senate and at this point is awaiting a committee assignment. Unfortunately, many news outlets have claimed that Governor DeWine is using the power of his office to slowdown and kill HB68 in a Senate committee. Senator Matt Huffman (Senate President) is responsible for assigning bills to committees in the Senate. The Bill is expected to eventually be sent to the Ohio Senate Health Committee - whose chair is Senator Stephen Huffman. Stephen Huffman is an emergency room physician and has been know to side with the medical establishment. This does not bode well for Ohio passing a law to protect women and children from immoral profit-seeking actors and “woke” ideologues. We are urging everyone to call the Governor and the Senate President and ask them to advance this bill as-is:

House Reps D.J. Swearingen and Sara Carruthers


House Bill 8, while not as strong as Senator Cirino’s SB83 legislation, it is a giant step in the right direction in an effort to wrestle control of the perverts in control of Ohio’s schools. HB8 is the “Parents Bill of Rights Act” and is aimed at the disclosure of early childhood sexualization activities in Ohio’s Public School System. While the bill does not go as far as what conservative want - it is very helpful. Specifically, the bill prohibits teachers from treating a child as a different gender than their biological sex - without the permission of the parents. The Bill also requires schools to report any sexual material used in public schools and requires public schools to make an accommodation for a non-sexual alternative.

HB8 is expected to be introduced into the Ohio Senate Education Committee where it is expected to receive a warm welcome by chairman Senator Andrew Brenner. HB8 is widely expected to be passed through the Ohio Senate along party lines. Here is the thing - it is being widely reported that Governor Mike Dewine will veto this bill and is actively working against the legislation. We are urging everyone to call the Governor and Senator Brenner and ask them to advance this bill as-is or to dramatically strengthen it:


In Need of a Club Secretary

We are looking for a new Secretary. They must be able to use beehiiv.com or substack.com to produce newsletters for the club. The Secretary is an officer and means either recording our meetings on video or taking the minutes of our meetings. It’s not a hard job but probably takes on average 2-3 hours per week to perform the secretary’s job. We are also looking at creating the position of assistant secretary. This would help to split up the duties between two people The job is purely voluntary and does not pay anything.

We are definitely trying to keep the ball rolling as a newly organized group. Our meeting with U.S. Senate candidate Bernie Moreno was very well attended.

BERNIE MORENO at the May 27th Regular Meeting

For our July 29th meeting we are inviting some State Senators and State Representatives - as well as the chairs of the County Central Committee. We are hoping to hear about legislation they are looking to pass this year when they come back in session and what is their outlook for the future. For the County Central Committee - we are asking those that maybe interested in running for Chair of the Lorain County party what their vision for the party is?

When we confirm our speakers for July 29th we will post them on our website.

You can visit our Facebook page to see videos of our event.


JOIN and DONATE on our Website

You can now join the Lorain Ladies Republican Club online

All transactions take place on PayPal’s servers and are protected from fraud.

The Lorain Ladies Republican Club Calendar of Events

The new Tockify Calendar

Please take time to visit our webpage events tab. This is a powerful new feature for the club. If you know of a local Republican event that is not on the calendar you can click on the “Submit Event” button at the top of the calendar and enter your information. We check the event for accuracy before we post it and that normally takes less than a day.

We are also excited about the RSVP function that lets us know that you plan on coming to our event - but that it also gives you a reminder email about the event.

Once you click on an event you will see RSVP on the upper right of the event.

Fill in your information and we’ll make sure you get an email alert!

Your moment of political zen!

Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter - we hope you find it valuable! We hope you share it far and wide with friends and neighbors.